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Associate of Arts - Missions & Evangelism


Courses for the Associate of Arts in Missions & Evangelism program:


  • EE1015   Titus/Philemon 

  • PC2051  Reality of the Supernatural

  • MM122  Philippians 

  • NT1095  Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

  • TH1985  Doctrine of Salvation

  • PS6150   Doctrine of Regeneration 

  • PS6151   Doctrine of Justification

  • CCC23     Crucial Accountability 














Admission Requirements:  For adult students interested in beginning or completing their undergraduate degree, the Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary offers flexible educational opportunities. Students seeking to enroll must complete an online admission application and submit proof of a standard or advanced high school diploma, or a high school equivalency certificate.

The Associate of Arts - (Missions and Evangelism) degree is a 60 semester hour program, that’s worth far more than the paper it’s printed on. We believe that experiential knowledge is infinitely more valuable than detached book learning.


All the head knowledge in the world will do you little good if you can’t make it work in the real world. That’s why every step of the way you will be applying what you learn. Each of our Missions and Evangelism courses are refreshingly practical, and will guide you step-by-step through the processes and techniques that are used.


Salvation is a supernatural event! Everything changes when the old passes away and the new man is born! Do you long to embrace the privilege we have been offered to have a part in this glorious miracle? The program is very accessible to both full-time and bi-vocational pastors, with all courses being available through the VBS Distance Education Formats.

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