Message from Our Founder Dean and President
Welcome to the Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary!
At VBS, we believe that an effective education doesn’t just come from memorizing or lecturing. Active participation in the learning process entails analyzing, discussing and collaborating - in order to comprehend and retain. All of our courses are designed to encourage deep mental processing and student engagement with the class material.
For years Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary in Houston, TX has been training pastors, elders, leaders, and teachers with a mind
for truth, a heart for God, and a life for ministry. We exist to equip
Christ-centered men and women with biblical knowledge and
theological principles that are grounded on the authoritative word of
God, for faithful, effective ministry to the church and the world.
If you believe the Lord is calling you to pastoral ministry, or if you are interested in serving the church more effectively as a Christian counselor, Sunday School teacher, global missionary, lay member, or if you are just hungry to grow more in your knowledge of and love for the Lord and His Word, then we would count it a privilege to help you on your way.
As you begin to think through what you are looking for in a seminary, let me encourage you with the following commitments of educational philosophy that VBS offers:
Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary is committed to teaching and equipping students with biblical knowledge and theological principles that honor the infallible, inerrant, and immutable word of God. Our Christ-centered curriculum enables students to receive a rich educational experience that develops their leadership intelligence and their personal and professional ministry skills.
Academic Excellence:
Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary is committed to academic excellence that promotes scholarly disciplines and Christian integrity for all its students. Our academic standards are thoughtfully designed to challenge students to work toward their highest possible level of achievement that moves beyond the classroom into real-life ministry.
School Environment:
Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary is committed to providing a safe learning environment that is conducive to the development of Christ-like character and behavior, as well as academic excellence. Disciplined conduct and respectful relationships are encouraged and expected. Our vision is to create a nurturing community where we learn from, support, and inspire each other.
Personal Growth & Christian Development:
Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary is committed to encouraging its students to grow in the love of Christ that transforms their spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities through rigorous academic instruction and real-life experiences. Our curriculum helps to cultivate spiritual formation with Christ that develops students to transform others and the world.
At VBS, we believe that God is at work advancing the His kingdom culture in our city. We are excited to be a part of it. And we invite you to consider joining us as we labor together for the glory of the Lord. If you would like to learn more about the admissions process please submit a request for more information here.
I look forward to the opportunity to serve side by side with you for the glory of our great God and King!
In Christ’s Service and By His Grace Alone,
Alma C. Allen, Min.D,Th.D,M.Min - President
Dr Julius C Allen, D. Th.d - Chancellor